

Automating administrative tasks such as generating letters and emails with Carebit allows you and your staff to focus on better patient care. You save money, get paid earlier and your secretary’s time is freed up to help patients. Carebit is a revolution in practice management.

Boost productivity

Save hours of time and thousands of pounds

Carebit can take care of many of the time-consuming tasks involved in running a clinic. For example, you might need to send a letter out to a patient when their first booking is created, or email patients quality of life questionnaires to track their progress following an operation. Carebit can handle all of this in a fraction of the time, relieving the burden on your secretary.

Carebit - generate the Initial Consultation Letter automatically

Automate patient correspondence

Generate letters and emails automatically

Creating letters, especially templated ones with the same information on, quickly becomes repetitive for secretaries. Carebit allows you to create your own email and letter templates and then set them up so that when the rules are triggered (e.g. by a booking or invoice being created), they are sent to the patient.

For example, Santis generates an Initial Consultation Letter for all patients making their first booking with them, informing them of their fees and rights. The secretary doesn’t have to remember to generate, send and store the letter as it all happens within seconds of the booking being made, silently in the background.

Maximising your income

Automatic patient invoicing

It’s easy for invoices to be missed, but Carebit can be configured to generate and email PDF invoices to self-pay patients as soon as a booking is made, complete with a link to instantly pay online by credit or debit card. Forgetting to invoice a patient is now a thing of the past.

Carebit - automate the sending of invoices
Carebit - pay invoices online

Convenient and instant

Patients can pay their invoice online

As part of Carebit, all self-pay patients can pay their invoices online 24/7. It’s fast and convenient for them to use on desktop, smartphone or tablet, the doctor gets paid within 7 days and Carebit automatically records the payment and emails a receipt to the patient. No more time spent cashing cheques and poring over bank statements.

Protecting your income

Ensure patients pay before the appointment

While the vast majority of patients are very good about paying on time, it can be extremely time-consuming to chase those who pay weeks or months after the appointment - and even then you may never be paid as many doctors are reluctant to pursue unpaid invoices. Carebit can send reminders on a schedule of your choosing, but can also monitor and automatically cancel appointments on the day if the invoice has not been paid, protecting your income.

Carebit - automatically cancel unpaid invoices

“Carebit is a user-friendly practice management platform which is easy to learn and use. I rely on its many features to run Santis, where it is critical to the smooth running of the office. For example, the legally-required initial consultation letter for patients is generated, appended with the doctor’s signature, and emailed to the patient as soon as an initial consultation is booked. If a patient is self-pay, an invoice is created and emailed to the patient directly prior to the consultation taking place and the consultant can view an interactive, up-to-date clinic list at any time. All of this happens without my having to do anything.

The time it has saved me is tremendous, leaving me to be able to run a more efficient, reliable office. I would strongly recommend Carebit to any clinic no matter how big or small. The team at Carebit listen to and understand how important the role I play in the company is, and assist me by adding features to Carebit as I discover the need for them.”

Mrs Simone Castle
Mrs Simone Castle
Secretary, Santis

Ready to start automating your practice? Please contact us for a demonstration.